Monday, August 24, 2009

What is Being Organized?

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in some ways, being organized means different things to different people.  Even professional organizers differ in the way they define and characterize being organized.  Regardless of the definitions, being organized is a positive thing just as being disorganized has negative connotations.

It is true each of us will have our own organizing styles just as we have individual personalities and preferences.  But there are some common threads that characterize organized spaces.

1.  They have items arranged so they are not overcrowded.  There are not too many items in the space and each can be accessed easily. 
2.  Similar items are grouped together.  We call it "like with like". 
3.  Items are contained so they remain in their designeated space without falling out or wandering into other spaces.
4.  Items are placed where they are used.  The more frequently they are used, the closer they should be.
5.  Every item has a permanent, specific home.  Nothing else is put in that space so it can always be found and always be returned to its home.

In organized spaces, any item can be found withing a minute, cleaning is easier and spaces have a sense of calm and peace.  We live in a universe with orderly systems all around us and I believe we can never be truly content until our personal spaces are orderly too.

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