Monday, June 8, 2009

Pictures for Inventory

There are many good reasons to take pictures of your spaces. Last time I wrote about using them as an instructor in knowing how to get started in organizing. But pictues can also be used to keep a record of your household inventory.

For insurance purposes, you should have an itemized list of the things in your space. This would include all of your furnishings as well as personal belongings and financial records. Most professional organizers support the idea of being very thorough and detailed in your descriptions. The easiest way to approach the project is with pictures.

Begin by taking pictures of every room. This would inclue the walls and floor so all the furnishings are captured. If any of the furnishings contain drawers, cabinet doors or shelves, take pictures of the contents in them. Don't forget closets. Depending on your camera memory, this make take several rounds of taking pictures, downloading them, clearing the camera card memory and staring over again. If you are not using a digital camera, you will need lots of film.

After all of the pictures are stored or developed, being making a list of everything you have. Where appropriate, list the approximate original cost and purchase date. While personal items may change frequently, having a base list of your possessions will make an accounting of your things so much easier should the need arise.

Make copies of this list and store them in a fireproof box, a safety deposit box, of off site with family or friends. Keeping a copy in your emergency exit files is a good idea, too.

No one wants to think about a disaster affecting them or their home, but being prepared for one is a proactive way to protect what you own.

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